Monday, October 8, 2007

Presentations Review

This week each student in the class gave a 5 minute presentation on any topic they desired. All thought all the projects were interesting and everyone did a really good job. However, to me there was one presentation that stood out above all the rest and that was Joel's presentation on Invisible Children. It actually brought tears to my eyes. He showed a very powerful and emotional video in the begining and just told the facts about the non-profit organization. I think he did an excellent job analyzing the audience. Invisible Children was started by college students and he was correct in the assumption that this is a passionate generation. I feel like his powerpoint appealed to everyone. We want to to change the world and we can. He used powerful quotes and his powerpoint complemented the message. He used fade in on the quotes and fade out which I think was very dynamic. He also used neutral colors (gray) that were very calming but at the same time a little dark. The final reason why I loved Joel's presentation was that it has actually made me want to find out more about Invisible Children and become concerned and involved with the organization. Great Job Joel and everyone else!!!

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